Skip Beat! actress Ivy Chen is the ambassador for Mary Kay China

饰演《华丽的挑战》中宫囍一角的 Ivy Chen 陈意涵,不但外形甜美,人气还很高,连美国著名化妆品品牌 Mary Kay 玫琳凯也找她代言她们在上海全新升级上市的经典护肤系列产品。
The lovely and popular "Skip Beat" actress Ivy Chen (from Taiwan) is the ambassador for Mary Kay China.

在搜狐女人 2011-2012 年度 “我美丽我信赖化妆品评选” 颁奖盛典上,玫琳凯中国以超高的公众人气和品牌形象被三千万网友推选为最具爱心品牌。想必陈意涵的人气和形象都和 Mary Kay 一样高一样优吧。
The popularity and image of Mary Kay China has earned for herself "The Most Caring Brand" title in the 2011-2012 Sohu Women Beauty Ceremony.

以下是我从 网站上截取下来的图片,有美美的意涵哦~
Below are some screen shots I captured from Mary Kay website with Ivy Chen in it!

以下是我从 网站上截取的意涵美图。
One more screen shot with the lovely Ivy Chen in it.

And by the way, the last episode of Taiwan drama "Skip Beat!" airs tomorrow on 民视 channel.

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