Review: Follow Me O2 Bubble Mask

If you've watched Taiwan beauty talk shows or read the Taiwan beauty magazines, you must have heard of the highly-raved Beauty Talk Oxy Mask. Priced at almost S$100, it is claimed to effectively repair, hydrate, moisturise, firm, lighten, exfoliate and balance skin while providing oxygen to it. When you apply the mask, you’ll see bubbles surfacing on your face. These bubbles are caused by oxypearcalin, which sends oxygen deep into the skin. When applied on the face, the surrounding temperature starts to change. This is when oxypearcalin starts to work its wonders, making the skin firmer and smoother.

I always wanted to try oxygen bubble mask but didn't because of its hefty price. Then Follow Me came up with their version of bubble mask known as O2 Bubble-Mask and claimed it gives your skin an instant glow and fairness. They did massive marketing, inviting Rebecca Lim and Quan Yifeng to endorse the product and put advertisements on TV, bus, inside MRT station and any other possible media. My interest was slightly aroused but I didn't take any action until Watsons slashed the price from S$39 to around S$29. 

Yes, I bought it and tried but was disappointed. It is supposed to inject a breath of fresh air into my skin. No, I didn't feel that. It is supposed to give my skin an instant luminous and radiant look. Nope, I didn't see the glow neither. I just felt my skin a bit sticky and itchy (at some areas) after washing it off. Some red patches/dots appeared on my skin and I got breakouts the next day. I guess it's not suitable for sensitive skin or acne-prone skin like mine. Or maybe one should avoid applying it on the pimples or acne.

In short, this product is a waste of money.


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